About Lei Jiang(江蕾)

Transferred to Computer Sciences at USTC
GitHub: not available
Email: jianglei0510@mail.ustc.tsg211.com
Undergraduate: Geographic Information Science, Northeast Forestry University, 2017-2021.
GPA: 4.05/5, Rank: 2/60.
Research: Borehole image processing, remote sensing and image processing.


Jiang, L., X. Si, and X. Wu*, 2023, Filling borehole image gaps with partial convolution neural network. Geophysics, accepted. [FIG].

Honors & awards

1. National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China, 2018
2. National Encouragement Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China, 2020
3. The First Prize Scholarship, Northeast Forestry University, 2017-2020 (5 times)
