About Chenqi Tian(田晨琪)

Starting in 2022
Master candidate
GitHub: cqtian-kk
Email: tchen_7@163.com
Undergraduate: Geophysics , CDUT , 2019-2023.
GPA: 3.9, Rank: 1/108
Research: Deep learning, event picking and location.

Honors & awards

2020 Second prize of the Sichuan Division of the National Collegiate Mathematics Competition, Sichuan Mathematical Society
2021 Sichuan College Students General Physics Knowledge Competition Excellence Award,Sichuan Physical Society
2022 国家奖学金, 教育部


Tian, C., X. Wu*, S. Qiu, Y. Li, and L. Shi, 2024, A graph neural network-based workflow for real-time lightning location using continuous waveforms without arrival time picking, JGR Atmosphere, submitted.

One-page resume